Tuesday 31 January 2017

Our trip to Colston Hall

Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain.

What a fantastic trip to the Colston Hall to see Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain. I think everyone's highlight was when we were all invited on the stage to dance with the cast! Here's a picture for you to enjoy. 

Term 3 - The Great Fire of London!

This term we have been learning about the Great Fire of London. 

We have had a super exciting start to the topic by burning a model of London houses in 1666. This enabled us to write an explanation text about why the houses caught fire and what caused them to burn so quickly. Ask your children to tell you as we learnt it and performed it as a class!

We have also been lucky enough to have a visit from the Fire Brigade this year. They taught us all about the important work that they do and this has been a fantastic link to our Great Fire of London topic.
The children had a really great time when they had a go at the 'drop and roll'!

If you don't have fire alarms in your home then you can contact your local fire brigade to come and fit one, for free!